Wynford Tower Residents Association
35 Wynford Heights Crescent, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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ReUseIt Mart

Updated 2024.12.09

In keeping with the slogan "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle", on this page residents can offer to buy or sell items that are suitable for re-use. Commercial offerings are not accepted.

  1. Send us an email at webmail@wynfordtowerresidents.ca, Subject=ReUseIt, showing
    • details of the items you wish to buy or sell, with photo if available
    • the price you are asking,
    • your contact information.
  2. The website administrator will post the information.
  3. Anyone interested in the offer must contact the poster directly. The Residents Association will not be involved in any transactions.
  4. Advise us when an article is no longer available, so the post can be removed. Posts will be removed regardless after two months.
In hopes that this page will be useful,
William Lynn (Bill), 1807

Jules Bedeau 2024.13.09 re Printer/ Scanner/Fax Machine Wanted
Jules Bedeau 2024.10.23 re Mobility Scooter Required
Light String

Jules Bedeau 2024.13.09 re Printer/ Scanner/Fax Machine Wanted
Hi Bill,

When you have a moment , could you please post a request for anyone in the community who may be selling a used and functional fax/printer/scanner? They can reach me at Jules.bedeau@gmail.com
Thank you,


Jules Bedeau 2024.10.23 re Mobility Scooter Required
In need of a mobility scooter for a family member who had a recent surgery. The scooter we have is not functioning properly, and the service cost is prohibitive.
If anyone has a scooter they would like to get rid of, please contact Jules at Jules.bedeau@gmail.com or 647-502-6911.

Light String

Christmas lighting string, 320 LED bulbs, 7 position controller in 120V plug, used one season.
Contact Bill Lynn, 416-441-2134, wblynn@wblynn.ca